Business & K9 Solutions - Brenda Johnston
BAKS (North Yorkshire) - Competition Team

Need a helping hand with your K9?

K9 Solutions

I am able to offer dog training on an individual basis or in a group / class environment for the following:

Individual, bespoke  1 to 1  training, plus the following:

Agility Training- Suitable for complete beginners up to competition standard

K9 Fun Club - Suitable for all dogs over 6 months of age and previous experience is not required. Includes the regular Points Make Prizes Leader Board Challenge

Puppy Training & Socialisation - 6 Week Courses

Obedience Training - Various needs addressed or competitive training available

Trick Training - For Fun, Heelwork to Music or Camera & TV Work

Ring Craft - Competition handling and setting up experience for the show ring

There is something for all pet dog's ages and abilities - even for the older or less able.

Review the K9 Options listed below and then click: Events  to see all the current Classes, Workshops and Courses available. Email or call me to discuss your requirements or for further details.

1:2:1 Bespoke Training, Puppy, Obedience & Ring Craft

Whether you are needing help with indoor issues of manners, barking, jumping up or with outdoor issues of pulling on the lead or recall - the 1:2:1 sessions can be your answer, rather than a class or course environment.

Basic socialisation and obedience training is the essential starting point for your puppy from completion of their vaccination course up to the older dog - yes, you can still teach an old dog new tricks! There is no age barrier (dog or handler) to stop you from learning the basics, eliminating the unwanted behaviours or even learning a few fancy moves for you or your kids to enjoy too.  Competition standard Obedience and Ring Craft sessions also available.

Venue is local to Settle.

Review the Events Diary for what is held when & where or keep track on the Facebook link above.

Agility Fun Club, K9 Fun Club, Agility and Trick Training

K9 Fun Club: This is for dogs (over 6 months old) and handlers to join in with some easy games and challenges - designed for getting your dog to be more active and responsive to you and is good for children too. Points Make Prizes for the 6 week Leader Board Presentations.

Agility: All the Jumps, Tunnels, Weaves and Contact Equipment need to be mastered, then the accuracy and speed will come into play. Competition standard can be achieved as you work through the Graduations every 6 weeks.

Trick Training: This is a fun class which helps to engage your dog and lets them use their mind more to show off some combined moves to impress. Sitting beside your Obedience training, this will also be your first point when training Heelwork to Music or for Camera & TV work.

Varied Workshops: These will be held during the year and can be for, but not limited to, improved handling, contact accuracy, weaving poles or distance working.

Review the Events Diary for dates / times or keep track of the Events on the Facebook link above.

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